How to Create and Load Model in Laravel

A model is a PHP class where perform data logic and database manipulation like – retrieve data, insert, update, and delete.

In Laravel models classes are stored in app/ directory.

This mainly loads from the controller.

In this tutorial, I show how you create and load Model in the controller and fetch records from MySQL database in Laravel.

How to create and load Model in Laravel

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How to Load and pass data to View in Laravel

Laravel follows Model view controller pattern.

    • Controller – Interact with Model and view.
    • Model – Handles database manipulation.
    • View – Display final UI to the user from where it can interact with the application.

Laravel comes with Blade templating engine which makes easier to create pages. Blade view file compiled into plain PHP code.

Blade view files has .blade.php extension.

You can use PHP code in it.

I am assuming you have already created a Laravel project if not then you can view my earlier tutorial.

In this tutorial, I will create a simple application where pass data to view.

How to Load and pass data to View in Laravel

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