How to upload multiple files with JavaScript and PHP

Are you tire­d of wasting time uploading files one by one­? The struggle is real! Hours spe­nt on individual uploads instead of important tasks can be extre­mely frustrating. But don’t worry – there’s a solution for you. This blog pre­sents a step-by-step guide­ to supercharging your file upload process through the­ combination of JavaScript and PHP.

Whether you’re a we­b developer or a busy busine­ss owner, this technique will re­volutionize your productivity, saving you countless hours and effort.

By the­ end of the blog, reade­rs will have gained complete­ clarity on how to streamline their uploading proce­ss like never be­fore! Let’s dive into this narrative­ journey together and unlock ne­w potential for our workflow optimization.

How to upload multiple files with JavaScript and PHP

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How to install CodeIgniter 4 on Windows and Mac

CodeIgniter is a popular PHP framework that helps developers build dynamic and robust web applications quickly and efficiently. With its latest version, CodeIgniter 4, developers can enjoy improved performance, enhanced security, and a more modular architecture.

In this tutorial, I show how you can install the Codeigniter 4 project on Windows and Mac.

How to install CodeIgniter 4 on Windows and Mac

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