Confirmation alert Before Delete record with jQuery AJAX

It is safe to display a confirmation alert before deleting a record from the MySQL database table.

If the user has accidentally clicked the delete button on the wrong record then it has a choice whether to delete or cancel it.

Confirm box can easily add using confirm() method.

But in this tutorial, I am using the Bootstrap Bootbox.js library to display the confirm box.

With jQuery AJAX delete a record from the MySQL database with PHP on the confirmation.

Confirmation alert Before Delete record with jQuery AJAX

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How to Create custom Shortcode in WordPress

In WordPress, Shortcode is special tags which specified within the [] brackets and use on the page, post, and widget.

The code is replaced with some other content when previewing the page.

It can also take parameters.

Shortcode is flexible and allows you to place it wherever you want.

In this tutorial, I will show how you can simply create Shortcode with or without parameters and use in WordPress.

In the example, I am creating Shortcodes in the WordPress theme.

How to Create custom Shortcode in WordPress

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Pagination with Search Filter in CodeIgniter 3

Pagination gets complicated when finding specific groups of records when there is a large number of records are available.

By adding a search filter with pagination makes it easier for the user to easily find records e.g. filter list by country, department, name, etc.

It is easier to add pagination using pagination library in CodeIgniter.

In this tutorial, I am using the SESSION to store search value and filter the pagination list.

Pagination with Search Filter in CodeIgniter 3

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