Delete Multiple selected Records with jQuery AJAX in CodeIgniter 3

One by One record deletion from the list is time-consuming and frustrating when you need to delete many records.

With the use of the checkboxes on the list, you can allow selecting multiple records. Only required to add a single delete button.

In this tutorial, I show how you can delete multiple records using jQuery AJAX in CodeIgniter.

Delete multiple selected records with jQuery AJAX in CodeIgniter 3


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How to upload and Extract Zip file in CodeIgniter

In CodeIgniter, there is a zip library for creating a zip file but there is no library available for extracting the zip file.

To extract need to use ZipArchive Class.

Load the file and extract it to a location using the ZipArchive Class object.

In this tutorial, I show how you can upload and extract a zip file to a specific location in CodeIgniter.

How to upload and Extract Zip file in CodeIgniter

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Create and Download Zip file in CodeIgniter

In PHP, ZipArchive Class is used for creating a zip file.

For adding a whole directory files need to read directory files one by one and add in the ZipArchive Class object.

CodeIgniter already provided a zip library that allows either add files or a directory for Compress.

Need to load the zip library for using it.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create a zip file, download, and save it to the server with CodeIgniter.

Create and Download Zip file in CodeIgniter

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Export Data in Excel and CSV format with Laravel Excel

Laravel Excel is a package which simplifies the import and export data in Laravel.

It allows exporting data in various format – xlsx, csv, xml, html, pdf, etc.

Require to create a separate class from where return data and set heading row.

In this tutorial, I am using it to export MySQL data in CSV and Excel format in Laravel project.

Export data in Excel and CSV format with Laravel Excel

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