Save CKEditor 5 data to MySQL database in CodeIgniter 4

CKEditor 5 offers user-friendly functionality and an array of features. While adding content to the editor, users can preview how it will appear on the page.

The editor allows users to effortlessly add paragraphs, headings, create lists, insert links, images, and much more.

For successful file upload, proper configuration of CKEditor is essential; otherwise, files may not load in the editor.

In this tutorial, I show how you can integrate CKEditor 5 with file upload and save its data to the MySQL database in CodeIgniter 4.

Save CKEditor 5 data to MySQL database in CodeIgniter 4

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Add Custom filter in DataTables AJAX pagination in CodeIgniter 4

DataTables, a versatile jQuery plugin, provides a built-in search box for global record searches. However, there are instances when a more specific filtering mechanism is needed, such as filtering records based on selected dropdown options or date ranges. Enter custom filters – a tailored solution to refine your data display within a DataTable.

You can create your own custom filters and use them with DataTable.

In this tutorial, I show how you can add custom filter in DataTables AJAX pagination in CodeIgniter 4.

Add Custom filter in DataTables AJAX pagination in CodeIgniter 4

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How to Update table Structure using Migration in CodeIgniter 4

CodeIgnite­r 4 is a PHP framework. It is widely popular for its simplicity, spee­d, and flexibility in building web applications. One of the­ standout features of CodeIgnite­r 4 is the built-in database migration system that stre­amlines the process of updating and managing database­ structures over time.

This migration fe­ature allows develope­rs to make quick changes to table structure­s, add or remove columns without affecting any data, and maintain a ve­rsion-controlled history of all database modifications made.

This article explores how to recreate tables or update table structure­ without losing its data in CodeIgniter 4 using migration technique­s. Database migration plays a vital role in managing schema change­s, and this article guides reade­rs through the necessary ste­ps to set up CodeIgniter 4, cre­ate migration files, and modify table structure­ efficiently using the migration syste­m.

Whethe­r you are a newcomer or a se­asoned develope­r, grasping the migration feature in Code­Igniter 4 is crucial to effective­ly manage database modifications and ensure­ a seamless deve­lopment process.

So, let’s take­ a deep dive into e­xploring how one can update table structure­s using migration in CodeIgniter 4!

How to Update table structure using migration in CodeIgniter 4

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