Check uncheck all multiple checkboxes with AngularJS

The check uncheck all functionality mainly required when the long list of records available on the page and allowing the user to select multiple records to perform an action.

For example – Delete the selected user’s list, in this case, if require deleting all users then it needs to select one by one.

This can also be used on the limited number of list items.

I show you some of the examples of check uncheck all checkboxes with AngularJS.

Check uncheck all multiple checkboxes with AngularJS

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Pull down to refresh with PulltoRefresh.js

PullToRefresh.js is a JavaScript plugin that lets you implement pull to refresh functionality on your web page. The plugin is not dependent on any other libraries.

You can define your own action when the user performs a pull-down action on the web page.

It has various options for customizing the default behavior.

Pull down to refresh with PulltoRefresh.js

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