How to Use jQuery Each to Iterate Through Arrays Objects and Selectors

jQuery revolutionized web development with its simplicity and powerful features. Among them is the “jquery foreach” loop, enabled by the `$.each()` method.

This article explores how this method efficiently iterates through arrays, objects, and selectors. Gone are the days of cumbersome loops and complex constructs. With the “jquery foreach” loop, you can effortlessly navigate collections, significantly reducing development time.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, this article equips you with the knowledge to master the `$.each()` method and unleash its full potential.

Let’s dive into the world of jQuery iteration and elevate your web development skills with the “jquery foreach” loop.

How to Use jQuery Each to Iterate Through Arrays Objects and Selectors

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Show and Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and JavaScript

Password field by default doesn’t show any visible text other than the symbol.

Some websites allow the user to view the hidden text in the password field by toggling.

For this, they provide an element e.g. checkbox or a button when it gets clicked then the password element value is been visible on the screen and reset to default view when it again gets clicked.

In this tutorial, I show how you can implement this functionality with jQuery and JavaScript.

Show and Hide Password Field Text with jQuery and JavaScript

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How to know a Browser Tab Close or Refresh with JavaScript

You cannot control when user will refresh the web page and close it, but it’s important sometimes to display a confirmation alert before closing the Tab.

The user may be mistakenly clicked the close button and lost some important data.

You have seen in Shopping websites when you are in the middle of payment or you are paying the Bill and if you try to refresh the web page then it will show a confirm alert on the screen.

When is it Required?

  • When the form has many fields and the user filled the form but somehow the Browser is being closed. Now, the user needs to again fill that long-form.
  • While student giving the online test and not completed yet and try to close or refresh the page.
  • There are many other situations where you can use it.

In this post, I discuss How you can detect Browser Tab close and refresh using JavaScript.

How to know a Browser Tab Close or Refresh with JavaScript

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How to check Broken Image with jQuery and AJAX

The images which are wouldn’t successfully load on the web page will show nothing when the source does not exist.

It looks bad when there are many images and some of them are missing.

For solving this you need to look through all the pages and find the broken images and fix them manually time to time. It is a time-consuming process.

In this tutorial, I will show you two examples, to automatically detect the broken images and replace with another image.

  • In the first one, I am using the jQuery, and
  • In the second, using AJAX with jQuery

How to check Broken Image with jQuery and AJAX

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