5 Star Rating system with jQuery AJAX in CodeIgniter 4

The 5 star rating system allows users to rate articles on a scale of 1 to 5.

It is a popular way for visitors to merchant websites to rate the quality of products and services. It is also commonly used to rate the quality of user-generated content, such as reviews and comments.

In this tutorial, I am creating a 5 star rating system in CodeIgniter 4 where the ratings will be stored in a database and the average rating will be displayed with the article. Users can rate an article and based on the rating the average rating gets updated.

5 Star rating system with jQuery AJAX in CodeIgniter 4

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How to Create Model and Fetch records in CakePHP 4

Model are used to interact with the specific database table and perform operations like – retrieving, inserting, updating, and deleting records.

In CakePHP 4 from Model you can restrict field access for insertion/updation. It automatically defines field validation while Model creation according to table structure that you can modify.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create a model and fetch records from the database table and display it on the page in CakePHP 4 project.

How to create Model and fetch records in CakePHP 4

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How to Create and Pass data to Template in CakePHP 4

Template in the CakePHP 4 is a .php file where define the HTML layout of the page. Template files automatically get loaded on the page. For this need to create files in a specific pattern.

From Controller, you can pass data to the template file.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create template files and pass values from the controller to the template in CakePHP 4 project.

How to Create and Pass data to Template in CakePHP 4

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