Automatic page load progress bar with Pace.js

The pace.js is an automatic page load progress bar. You don’t need to write any code to initialize the script during page load.

It is easy to implement and not dependent on any other external JavaScript libraries.

You can also use this with AJAX request to show the progress bar when the request is been triggered.

Several themes with different-different colors are available that you can use.

Automatic page load progress bar with Pace.js

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Remove unwanted whitespace from the column – MySQL

There is always the possibility that the users may not enter the values as you expected and the data is saved on the Database table. E.g. unwanted whitespace or characters with the value.

You will see the issue when you check for duplicate records or sort the list.

MySQL has some string functions that you can use to eliminate the extra space or characters from the field.

Remove unwanted whitespace from the column - MySQL

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How to avoid jQuery conflict with other JS libraries

The widespread adoption of jQuery, a renowned JavaScript library, can be attributed to its simplicity and convenience in manipulating HTML documents, handling events, and creating animations. However, as the web development landscape evolves, numerous JavaScript libraries and frameworks with distinct features and syntax have emerged, leading to a common challenge: conflicts between jQuery and other JavaScript libraries.

Encountering conflicts between jQuery and other libraries can result in unexpected errors, impaired functionality, or even complete application failure. To ensure smooth integration and mitigate these conflicts, it is essential for developers to understand their nature and implement effective strategies.

This article e­xplores the best practice­s for avoiding jQuery conflicts with other JavaScript libraries. Following these practices can e­nhance application stability and performance.

How to avoid jQuery conflict with other JS libraries


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