Dynamic Dependent Dropdown with Vue.js and PHP

Auto-populating records based on the selection make it easier to control the flow of inputs and the user is restricted on the selection.

Data is updated on dependent dropdown according to parent dropdown selection.

To send an AJAX request in Vue.js I am using the Axios package.

In this tutorial, I create 3 dependent dropdowns for the country, state, city, and send AJAX request to load records whenever dropdown value changes with Vue.js and PHP.

Dynamic Dependent Dropdown with Vue.js and PHP

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Drag and Drop file upload with Dropzone in CodeIgniter 3

Dropzone is a JavaScript library that allows uploading file by drag’n’drop and displays the file preview after upload.

It is easier to add to the page and it does not depend on any library like jQuery.

The file will upload to the server via AJAX.

In this tutorial, I show how you can use the Dropzone library to upload the file in CodeIgniter 3.

Drag and Drop file upload with Dropzone in CodeIgniter 3

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How to Reorder Images and Save to MySQL with jQuery AJAX

jQuery UI sortable enables users to reorder HTML elements effortlessly through simple drag and drop actions.

With jQuery UI Sortable, users gets the ability to adjust the positions of images, this enhanc the visual layout and customization options on your webpage.

In this tutorial, I show how you can save the sorted image list order in the MySQL database and read it.

How to Reorder Images and Save to MySQL with jQuery AJAX

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