How to Create Custom Validation Rule in CodeIgniter 4

Validation rules help to validate the form. You don’t need to write long if statement conditions for every <form > element.

CodeIgnite­r 4 comes equipped with nume­rous pre-defined validation rule­s. However, there­ may be instances where­ you require custom validation rules de­signed specifically for your application’s nee­ds.

In this article, we’ll discuss how to create­ such custom validation rules in CodeIgniter 4. By doing so, you can broade­n the framework’s validation capabilities and maintain data accuracy. Follow the­se steps to seamle­ssly handle distinct and diverse validation sce­narios while extending the­ validating functionality of your web applications alike.

How to create custom validation Rule in CodeIgniter 4

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Add Google reCAPTCHA v2 to form in CodeIgniter 4

Google reCaptcha is like a security guard for websites. It stops spam and robots from messing with things. It’s commonly used in places like when you log in, sign up, send a message, or leave a comment on a website.

There are two types of Google reCaptcha:

  1. v2 – You have to pick pictures to answer a question.
  2. v3 – This one works in the background, and you don’t even see it.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to add Google reCaptcha v2 to your form and make sure everything is secure in your CodeIgniter 4 project.

Add Google reCAPTCHA v2 to form in CodeIgniter 4

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Create Livewire pagination with Search filter and Sorting in Laravel

Pagination is very useful when you have to show a huge list of records on the page. It divides the records into multiple pages.

Limited number of records shown at a time.

Livewire has provided the WithPagination trait for generating pagination. Its implementation is similar to Laravel default pagination.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create Livewire pagination with search filter and sorting in Laravel 9.

Create Livewire pagination with search filter and sorting in Laravel

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How to Create simple Accordion using JavaScript

Accordion is an expandable and collapsible container which used to manage related data. It consumes less space and shows content in a user-friendly format.

There are already lots of jQuery plugins for implementing this, like – jQuery UI, Bootstrap, accordion.js, etc.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create accordion using JavaScript.

How to Create simple accordion using JavaScript

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