Make Autocomplete Search with jQuery AJAX

Autocomplete search filter display suggestion based on the user input e.g. listing all products which start with the character ‘a’.

It makes easier for the user to search for an item from the list and select it from the suggestion list.

Require jQuery AJAX for implementing this.

Whenever the user enters a character send an AJAX request to fetch records with PHP and display the result.

In the demonstration, I show a textbox to search users. When an item selected from the suggestion list then fetch details of the selected users and display on the screen.

Make Autocomplete Search with jQuery AJAX

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How to Auto populate dropdown with jQuery AJAX

When working with large datasets, auto-populating dropdown lists is a common requirement in web development.

With the help of jQuery AJAX, it’s possible to dynamically fill dropdown lists with data from a server in response to user input.

A common use case of this feature is when selecting a country, state, and city. According to the country selection related state list populates, followed by a list of cities within the selected state.

It enables users to quickly choose their location from a list of options and can enhance the user experience by requiring less manual input.

In this tutorial, I show how you can use jQuery AJAX and PHP to autopopulate dropdown with MySQL database data.

How to Auto populate dropdown with jQuery AJAX

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Login page with jQuery and AJAX

A Login page is one of the basic requirements when creating a registration based website where the user can register to the website and sign in to its account to manage.

In this case, you can use AJAX to create a user-friendly login page.

With AJAX you can directly check the entered username and password are correct or not in MySQL database without reloading the whole page.

If the user is registered then redirect the user to a home page otherwise display an error.

Login page with jQuery and AJAX

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