How to Implement Dropzone File Upload in CakePHP 4

In today’s digital world, file uploads are a crucial aspect of web applications. Users demand a smooth and user-friendly experience when uploading files, whether it’s a profile picture or an important document.

Dropzone is a widely used method for file uploads, offering a simple and intuitive drag-and-drop interface.

This JavaScript library supports multiple file uploads, progress bars, and previews of uploaded files. Dropzone uses AJAX technology to upload files without the need for a page refresh, making it a popular choice for developers and users alike.

In this tutorial, I will provide a step-by-step guide to implementing dropzone file uploads in your CakePHP 4 project.

How to Implement Dropzone File Upload in CakePHP 4

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Dynamic Dependent Dropdowns: CodeIgniter 4 with AJAX Guide

In web applications, auto populating dropdowns are commonly used to simplify user input and ensure data consistency. When a user selects a value from one dropdown, another dropdown with related data is dynamically populated.

Consider this example. Assume we have a global online store and want to allow our customers to filter products by country and city. There could be two dropdowns: one for countries and one for cities. The city dropdown will dynamically change depending on the country selected by the user, displaying only cities in that country. This feature will make it easier for users to select the correct filter, reducing confusion and providing a better user experience.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create a dynamic dependent dropdown with MySQL database data using jQuery AJAX in CodeIgniter 4.

Dynamic Dependent Dropdowns: CodeIgniter 4 with AJAX Guide

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Step-by-Step Tutorial on Creating Pagination in CakePHP 4

Pagination is an essential part of web development that allows users to navigate through a large list of data easily. It divides the data into small chunks and displays them in a structured and manageable way.

In CakePHP 4 you don’t need to write lots of code to create a pagination list. For this paginate() method is available that executes from the controller.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create a pagination in CakePHP 4 with MySQL database data.

Step-by-Step Tutorial on Creating Pagination in CakePHP 4

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Dynamic data load on Column Chart using PHP and Google Chart API

Column charts are one of the most common and widely used chart types. It is a visual representation of data that uses bars to show the values of different categories.

Google charts API allows to create different types of charts like – pie, bar, line, column, etc. It takes Array type value as data.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create column chart using Google Chart API and load MySQL data dynamically using PHP with a live example.

Dynamic data load on Column Chart using PHP and Google Chart API

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