How to embed jQuery into HTML page

jQuery is a popular JavaScript library that makes easier to include dynamic and interactive content on the website. It offers a wide range of tools for navigating, modifying, and animating HTML documents as well as for managing events, executing AJAX requests, and building plugins.

With this, you can perform the same task written in JavaScript with just a few lines of code.

Compatible with most browsers and supports CSS3 selectors to find and style property manipulation.

How to embed jQuery into HTML page

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Autosave data after specific time with jQuery and AJAX

On WordPress, you have noticed that while writing a blog post it will autosave the post as a draft after a specific interval.

In this tutorial, I am creating a similar type of functionality with jQuery and AJAX. Where I check for any value update in the input element if it is then set an interval of 5 seconds.

Send an AJAX request to save data when the interval gets completed.

Autosave data after specific time with jQuery and AJAX

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