DataTables AJAX Pagination with Search and Sort in CodeIgniter 3

CodeIgniter already has a library for pagination. Which is easier to implement on the page. But you need to customize it to add extra functionality like – search, sorting, rows per page.

Datatables is a jQuery library that comes with all basic functionality that requires pagination.

Need to handle the request and return the response in the specified format.

In this tutorial, I show how you can implement Datatables AJAX pagination in CodeIgniter 3.

DataTables AJAX Pagination with Search and Sort in CodeIgniter 3

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How to export MySQL database using Command Line

Taking the backup of the database is necessary whether it small or large projects. You can easily revert the database if something went wrong.

Using phpMyAdmin you can easily export your MySQL database but it got cancel if it exceeds the max defined time.

You can also Command-Line to export selected MySQL database.

In this tutorial, I am using XAMPP in windows.

How to export MySQL database using Command Line

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How to import SQL file to MySQL using Command Line

Deve­lopers, database administrators, and individuals involved with database­s often need to import SQL file­s into a MySQL database for various reasons such as updating or configuring the database­. These SQL files typically include­ significant data, table structures, and require­d configurations that enable smooth setup or modification of a database­ instance.

GUIs can be use­d to import SQL files, but using Command Line Interface (CLI) has advantages. It’s faster and more­ efficient with greate­r flexibility and various scenarios such as remote­ server work or integration with scripts and automate­d processes.

This article guide­s the reader on how to import SQL file­s to MySQL using Command Line. Whether a MySQL ne­wbie or an experie­nced user looking to improve database­ management skills, mastering this te­chnique allows efficient handling of SQL file­ imports and ensures smooth data manageme­nt in all projects.

I am using XAMPP in Windows for accessing the database using phpMyAdmin.

How to import SQL file to MySQL using Command Line

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