Autosave data after specific time with jQuery and AJAX

On WordPress, you have noticed that while writing a blog post it will autosave the post as a draft after a specific interval.

In this tutorial, I am creating a similar type of functionality with jQuery and AJAX. Where I check for any value update in the input element if it is then set an interval of 5 seconds.

Send an AJAX request to save data when the interval gets completed.

Autosave data after specific time with jQuery and AJAX

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5 Star Rating system with jQuery, AJAX, and PHP

The star rating bar allows the user to submit his thoughts on whether the content or product is useful or not. This also gives the administrator a view of how well its item is performing.

It is very common on e-commerce websites.

In this tutorial, I am using the jQuery Bar Rating plugin to display the star ratings on the screen.

Whenever the user changes the rating then send an AJAX request to save the user currently rating status on the MySQL database table with PHP.

5 Star Rating system with jQuery, AJAX, and PHP

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How to autocomplete data on multiple fields with jQuery and AJAX

You can use jQuery AJAX to autocomplete data on the single or multiple elements when the user search or select value from an element.

It is a better way to allow the users to easily search for data in existing records and get required information e.g. get student details by their id, product details, etc.

In the demonstration, I am using jQuery UI to display a suggestion list and fetch details using PHP from the MySQL database table when a value from the suggestion list gets selected.

How to autocomplete data on multiple fields with jQuery and AJAX

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