How to Restrict User Access on the Website with jQuery AJAX

Enable disable functionality gives the administrator more control on the site.

The administrator can directly control the users from its dashboard by either restrict access to some area of the site or enable disable the user.

This is very efficient when there are multiple types of the user exists on the site e.g. admin, student, professor, etc.

In this tutorial, I am using jQuery AJAX for this and creating an extra field on the MySQL table.

How to Restrict User Access on the Website with jQuery AJAX

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Dynamic dependent dropdown in CodeIgniter 3 with AJAX

Dynamically dependent dropdown commonly seen in the country, state, and city selection on the webpage. The data on the child element changes according to the value of the parent element.

The process follows the same way if there are more than 2 dropdown elements.

To do this you can either use only PHP or jQuery AJAX.

In this tutorial, I am using jQuery AJAX to make dynamic dependent dropdown in CodeIgniter.

Dynamic dependent dropdown in CodeIgniter 3 with AJAX

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Dynamically load content in Bootstrap Modal with AJAX

Modals are one of the many pre-built components offered by the widely used front-end web development framework Bootstrap. Developers can display content on top of an existing page by using dialogue boxes or pop-up windows known as modals.

However, there are times when need to dynamically load content into the Modal, which is possible with AJAX.

AJAX allows data to be loaded and displayed on a page without having to reload the entire page, making the web application faster and more user-friendly.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to dynamically load MySQL database content into a Bootstrap Modal using AJAX and PHP.

I am using Bootstrap 5 in the example, if you are using any other version then also you can follow.

Dynamically load content in Bootstrap Modal with AJAX

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Create and download zip file with AJAX

Zip file creation is a better way to enable the user to download multiple files in one package. This may affect the page load time according to the number of files and their size.

Arises more problems when need to create multiple zip files on page load for download.

To avoid this type of problem you can either use only PHP or jQuery AJAX to create and download the zip file when it’s required.

In this tutorial, I am using jQuery AJAX.

Create and download zip file with AJAX

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