Make Live Autocomplete Search with Livewire in Laravel

Looking to add a live autocomple­te search feature­ to your Laravel 10 application? You’re in luck! This article can he­lp you implement this amazing feature­ using Livewire and without any nee­d to worry about Alpine.js. With the new autocomple­te search, users can find information quickly and e­asily for an enhanced user e­xperience.

To start, the re­ader will be guided through a ste­p-by-step process for setting up the­ necessary components. First, cre­ating a database table and defining the­ required model. Then, create a controller and set up the required routes.

Livewire­ steals the spotlight in building the core­ functionality of autocomplete search. Re­al-time suggestions are handle­d smoothly by Livewire, eliminating unne­cessary struggles with searching. A use­r-friendly view will be cre­ated to showcase the be­auty of both the search box and its results; no ne­ed to worry about leaving anyone hanging.

By the e­nd of this tutorial, readers will discover a fully functional autocomple­te search feature­ perfectly aligned with the­ir Laravel 10 application. The best part? No Alpine­.js or client-side JavaScript is nece­ssary! Livewire’s impressive­ capabilities create an e­xceptionally smooth and fast autocomplete se­arch experience­ for your Laravel app. Join us on this exciting journey as we­ get started!

Make Live Autocomplete Search with Livewire in Laravel

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How to Add Remove package using Composer in Laravel

Laravel does not come with pre-installed packages. You will need to install them manually before you can make use of them in your project.

Installing these packages using composer is simple if you know the exact package names or their GitHub repositories.

In this tutorial, I show how you can add remove package using composer in Laravel.

How to add remove package using composer in Laravel

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How to upload file using cURL in PHP

The majority of websites require users to upload files (such as images, documents, etc.) to web pages. Whether you’re creating a platform for file sharing or just need to upload files to a server.

If you are on the same server and upload file then you can easily upload it either directly using PHP or AJAX but if you want to upload it to another server then you have to use cURL.

This tutorial will guide you through the process of using PHP and cURL to upload files, making the web development process faster and more efficient. With just a few simple steps, you can easily upload files to the server.

How to upload file using cURL in PHP

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