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21How to Restrict User Access on the Website with jQuery AJAXEnable disable functionality gives the administrator more control on the site. The administrator can directly control the users from its dashboard by either restrict access to some ...
22Export MySQL data to CSV file in CodeIgniterCSV (Comma Separated Values ) is the most popular file format for data import and export within the project. In PHP for creating CSV file, you can either use fputcsv() method or di ...
23Table with Search and Sort using AngularJS and PHPSearch filter makes easier to filter the list of records and view the only required records. This saves time when there is the huge number of records are available on the list. The ...
24Make Destination Directory on File upload with PHPYou normally store the user selected files in the specific directory but the same directory is also used by all other users. If you are allowing to upload multiple types of files l ...
25Create a copy of MySQL Database using phpMyAdminSometimes it requires to quickly create a clone of the MySQL database while working on the project either for the backup purpose, using it on a copy of the project or moving the pr ...
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