Make Reusable queries using Query Scope in Laravel

In Laravel with the use of scope in Model, you can save time of writing the same script in multiple places in your project.

For example, selecting records based on their status – active/inactive/suspended.

The query scope methods are prefixed by scope.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create a reusable query using Query scope in Laravel 9.

Make Reusable queries using Query Scope in Laravel

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How to Auto populate dropdown using Livewire – Laravel

If you are using Laravel for your web development, then you may have come across a requirement to auto-populate a dropdown with the database data.

For example, you may have a form with a country field and you want to auto-populate the states field on the form based on the country selected by the user.

In this article, I show how to auto-populate a dropdown using Livewire in Laravel 9.

I am hoping you have already installed Livewire on your project if not then you can view my previous post for installation.

How to Auto populate dropdown using Livewire - Laravel

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How to Autocomplete textbox using JavaScript and PHP

Javascript Autocomplete textbox helps the user to pick an item from the suggestion list based on the input. It occupies less space on the page. It’s designed to give you a smooth experience while using minimal space on your webpage, making your interface look neat and organized.

Data is not preloaded on the page. Instead, it dynamically loads data using AJAX as soon as the user starts typing.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create autocomplete textbox with MySQL database data using JavaScript and PHP.

How to Autocomplete textbox using JavaScript and PHP

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