How to Create function in MySQL and execute it?

Functions are very useful to perform the same task with different parameters. Similar to programming languages you can create your own custom function to perform a task and return a response in MySQL.

After function creation, it is called similar to inbuilt functions.

In this tutorial, I show how you can create a function in MySQL and use it.

How to Create function in MySQL and execute it?

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How to Use a Cloud Data Platform?

The global cloud computing market is a rapidly growing one, valued at over 405.65 billion USD in 2021. According to predictions from Fortune Business Insights, professionals in the cloud computing industry are expected to enjoy its impressive compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19.9% and increasing demand across many regions.

To beginner developers and those who are looking into digitally transforming their businesses, the concept of cloud data platforms might be a bit difficult to grasp. But worry not – in this article, we’ll be tackling all you need to know about the basics of cloud data platforms.

How to Use a Cloud Data Platform?

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What is Accessors And Mutators in Laravel 9?

Sometimes need to modify a field value while retrieving records using Laravel Eloquent e.g. get date from datetime field, make field value in upper case, etc.

To do that you can either use selectRaw() or Accessors.

Similarly, If you want to update the value while inserting or updating using Eloquent then you can either modify value every time before storing or use Mutators.

In this tutorial, I show how you can use Accessors And Mutators in the Laravel 9 project.

What is Accessors And Mutators in Laravel?

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Getting Started with CodeIgniter 4 Database Seeding: A Beginner Guide

Database seeding is a way of populating a database with test data that can be used for initial testing to explore the various functions of your application instead of having to create test users one by one every time you want to test something new.

In CodeIgniter 4 database seeding feature is available.

This post guides you through the creation of database seeding and running single or multiple seeding files in CodeIgniter 4.

Getting Started with CodeIgniter 4 Database Seeding: A Beginner Guide

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